Ep. 62 - The Power of Saying 'No': Exploring Boundaries and Empowerment Through Journaling

Welcome back to the Journal Party Podcast with Alex Gallner. Get ready for another journal jam session! Today, we're tackling a seemingly simple yet incredibly powerful word - 'no'. Saying 'no' can be an act of self-preservation, respect, and self-care, yet it's a skill many of us struggle with due to societal pressures and an inherent desire to please. We'll guide you through five journal prompts designed to help you explore these challenges and the empowerment that comes from setting boundaries.

We'll reflect on personal moments of struggle and success and investigate the emotions surrounding these instances. Fear of judgment, a desire to please, or past experiences - what is the root cause of your difficulty in saying 'no'? We'll also imagine a world without guilt attached to setting boundaries and discuss the potential impact on our lives and relationships. So, gather your thoughts, grab your journal, and let's embark on this introspective journey together.

Music Credits:

Track Title: Bae

Composer: SMINK (APRA: 01018225004)

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Track Title: Say You Want Me

Composer: SMINK (APRA: 01018225004)

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Track Title: Rekindle The Love

Composer: Jomphe Lepine Simon (SOCAN: 635455930)

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Track Title: Later Than Ever

Composer: Rydman Patrick Finn (STIM: 225677455)

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Track Title: Tight Ship

Composer: Rydman Patrick Finn (STIM: 225677455)

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