Ep. 24 - Letting Go - Journal Prompts For Releasing That Which No Longer Serves You

It can be hard to let go of all the things that are no longer helpful, but it is also necessary for mental clarity and emotional freedom. If you’re looking for a way to start being more intentional about letting go, journaling is a great place to start!

Today's episode features 5 journal prompts to get you started on your journey of letting go.

The first prompt helps you focus on what needs to be released in order to have space for something better. All too often we get stuck in cycles of holding onto things that don’t serve us out of fear of change or fear of the unknown. Taking time to reflect on this question can help bring clarity so that you can determine what needs to stay and what could use some releasing.

When we try to make changes, our emotions can sometimes get in the way. It’s important to take a step back and examine how these changes will affect us emotionally before we take any action steps towards them. The second prompt helps you figure out how vulnerable or resistant you feel about making changes in your life and why those feelings might exist. 

Sometimes it can be helpful to look at potential gains rather than potential losses when it comes time for change or transition in our lives. Through this reflection, you can begin forming an idea of what would happen if something was no longer a part of your life, which can help motivate you into action! 

Similar yet different from prompt #3, this next one allows us to take a broader view on the potential benefits we could achieve by letting go of something negative or unhelpful in our lives—whether it be a habit, relationship, job, etc—and replaces that with something positive and beneficial instead!

The last prompt helps us visualize how much more productive we could be with all the extra resources freed up by releasing things from our lives that no longer serve us! We could choose new hobbies or activities; dedicate more time to self-care; plan trips; explore new relationships; etc. 

By reflecting on these questions and taking note of your answers, hopefully, you'll gain some insight into why certain things may not serve you anymore and give you the motivation needed to let them go!

Journaling is a potent tool for personal growth and healing—so don’t forget to use it when change feels overwhelming or scary!

Music by Keyframe Audio

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