Ep. 22 - Core Values - Journal Prompts To Discover What Matters Most

Have you ever thought about what drives you? What motivates you to show up in the world the way you do? We all have values that guide our lives, but sometimes it can be difficult to figure out what those values are. 

Knowing your core values can be incredibly liberating and empowering. It can help you make more conscious decisions, set goals that truly matter to you, and take action in a way that reflects your true identity and highest aspirations. Unlocking the power of your core values can open up a whole new world of possibility and leave you feeling alive and motivated—discovering what makes you uniquely ‘you’!

If that sounds good to you, you're going to love today's journal jam sesh.

Core values are an important part of who we are, but sometimes they can be difficult to figure out. Taking the time to reflect on your beliefs and how you want to be remembered can give you a better understanding of what's truly important to you. And when you have that understanding, you'll operate in a way that's not only beneficial to you, but also everyone around you so, thank you for doing this work.

Hit us up on Twitter and Instagram @journalpartyomg. We'd love to hear your thoughts and please send in your requests for different prompt themes.

Music By Keyframe Audio

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