Ep. 20 - Self-Care - Journal Prompts To Give Yourself Some TLC

Self-care is an integral part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle - that means looking after your mental and emotional well-being and having some fun! So, where does one even start?

For starters, taking the time to identify the things that make you feel happy, relaxed, and content is so important! Effective change starts with awareness.

In today's journal jam sesh, we're going to be working through 5 journal prompts to help you on your self-care journey:

1. What activities make me feel happiest and most content?

2. How can I incorporate more self-care into my daily routine?

3. What small changes can I make to better look after myself?

4. Who has been a source of inspiration for me in terms of self-care?

5. What actions can I take today to show myself love and kindness?

Once you’ve identified those activities you love, it’s time to make them a regular part of life. Establishing sustainable self-care habits will help you better manage stress and provide natural relief from burnout or despair.

Make sure to include activities that focus both on physical health, such as going for walks, biking, or running, as well as mental health, such as journaling your thoughts and feelings or indulging in creative hobbies like painting or writing poetry.

Plus, don't forget all the little things like making yourself a special treat like banana pancakes or cuddling up with your pup or cat (or both!) at the end of a long day.

Allowing yourself these moments can make such a big difference in how we react to life's daily comings and goings. 

Finally, remember that different people engage in self-care differently - which is totally okay! Whether it’s going out dancing with friends or snuggling up with your favorite book, find something that works for you and commit to carving out special time for it. It's all about finding balance!

If you haven't downloaded the new app yet, what are you even doing!? It's available for iOS and Android (FINALLY) so get it there or by visiting our website, journalparty.com.  

We have a new guided journal program on there called Love Yourself - it's a free 30-day guided journaling program with journal prompts for self-care and other activities.

Music by keyframe audio.

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