Ep. 15 - Year In Review - Journal Prompts To Review Year End 2022

It's that time of year again! Time to reflect on the year that was and set intentions for the year ahead. You might be tempted to gloss over the tough bits and focus on the good if you're like me. But if we want to learn and grow from our experiences, we must know what really went down in 2022.

Here are five journal prompts to help you review your year.

1. What surprised you this year?

2. What were you most proud of?

3. What (or who) let you down?

4. What did you learn the hard way?

5. What (or who) contributed to your growth?

No matter how 2022 treated you, it's essential to take some time at the end of the year to reflect on what went down. By journaling about your good and bad experiences, you can gain valuable insights that will help you create a more joyful, meaningful life in 2023 and beyond. If you want to keep going with your yearly review, we've got a new guided journaling program on our Free Journal Prompt App

Music by: M.R.B., River Boy, Simon Jomphe Lepine, Kylie Couper, and Bruce Maginnis

Visit JournalParty.com for more guided journaling!

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